TSMC to hire more than 8,000 people for capacity expansion

Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co (TSMC, 台積電) joined a large-scale job fair at National Taiwan University on Saturday, aiming to hire more than 8,000 workers this year amid aggressive job expansion. local industry capabilities and fierce competition for skilled workers.

The world’s largest contract chipmaker said it offered competitive salaries, adding that new hires with master’s degrees in engineering could expect to earn up to NT$2 million ($71,136) a year .

The chipmaker said it is looking for talent in a variety of disciplines, including electronics, electrical engineering, optoelectronics, physics, materials, chemistry, information engineering, technology management. information, industrial management, financial management and human resources.

Photo: ANC

In addition to vacancies primarily for applicants with a master’s or doctorate degree in engineering, TSMC said it also welcomes applicants with a high school diploma or associate’s degree to join the company as production technicians.

Newcomers should work at one of TSMC’s production bases in Taoyuan, Hsinchu City, Taichung, Tainan or Kaohsiung, he added.

TSMC’s recruiting campaign reflects an industry-wide trend.

Vanguard International Semiconductor Corp (世界先進), a small contract chipmaker in which TSMC has a 28% stake, is seeking to hire more than 1,000 employees this year as it expands production capacity in Taiwan and Singapore .

Vanguard – which has five 8-inch wafer fabs, four in Taiwan and one in Singapore – aims to expand its talent pool in areas including research and development (R&D), manufacturing, technology information, artificial intelligence, big data, smart production and management, accounting, human resources, and environmental, social and governance management.

As part of a salary restructuring program launched last year, Vanguard raised salaries by 10% and pledged to raise salaries each year and provide annual bonuses equivalent to four months’ salary.

No less than 10% of company profits must be allocated as performance bonuses to employees, he added.

Semiconductor equipment supplier ASML Holding NV said it aims to recruit around 1,000 workers in Taiwan this year by establishing an office in Kaohsiung, where TSMC, one of the Dutch company’s main customers, is to build a factory.

ASML – which employs 3,600 people in Taiwan across four customer support centers, two R&D centers and two training centers – plans to hire another 600 people by the end of the year, making Taiwan its largest base. in Asia.

To attract talent, ASML said it has raised wages by 15-19% over the past six months.

A newly recruited customer support engineer with a master’s degree would earn up to NT$1.6 million per year, he added.

Saturday’s job fair brought together 312 companies offering more than 35,000 jobs, National Taiwan University said, adding that it had arranged for 74 companies to hold on-campus information sessions and that job applicants visit the facilities of six companies.

The job fair is also to be held at other universities, including National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, National Tsing Hua University and National Cheng Kung University.

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